Actor's Knotwork Theory (in progress)

for Xio M

All of our knots are different
and that difference

is a differentiated one.
difference embedded recursively.

that's a knot.
all of these knots in us

are different to themselves
and mine are different to everything else's on earth.

these knotworks.
It's knot work and not work. the k is pivotal. the letter k

becomes a semantic object.
the k as semantic object in the knot-not nexus

the letter k
looks like a key pointing down

pictoglyph graphile

or the less than
< accompanied with capital


To be is not work
To be is knotwork

To live is not work
To live is knotwork

To love is not work
To love is knotwork

To communicate is not work
To communicate is knotwork

To work is knotwork
To knot is not work

Hold for the ship at your feet
sailed at knots for knossos

Fastened rigging
Undo your shoes

Old enough
To talk through the lump

In your neck gnosis
Prole-, secra-, -tariat

standing sunny
upside down on a burning deck


Undone witness
Blow a gale

Two times your shoe laces
Though free chilled

Knots in your throat
ship to sail metrology

knots in your stomach
fro and to whales

Until in your screwed up world

You end up as the charity case
At Radisson's CBD

Which is cooler than the finest
Functional four point

meta-allergy of metallurgy
better sensed by harbour or by bridge

Knot a chance in hell

And she Nonna Genarian
From the Near East looks

Sad with her poodle in the lobby
Wearing pastels from Switzerland

Chaleted in pine
scent by hotel sauna

What I've done is some
Devy kid defiance

Welfare in Velfarre

Cos you can smack the
Cough out of anyone

Chuck a handstand on deck
Of the Loveboat, crew without rank

Of truth and its cold fission

Cold song
cold breast cold hands

Relays and relaces
When you've dipped

Your head over Columbus'
Waterfall continua untangling

til winter withdraw
(in progress)

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