Just a story...

dedicated to Sydney based Mapuche-identifed visual artist Cecilia Castro

I was in Concepcion, I think... I was in a club called La Piedra Feliz named after some large rock of the area where lovers congregated. 2009-  in this club and I heard "jazz fusion - mapuche" yeah

The traditional consilience of latino culture and discourse. Even Neruda championed this consilience in his awesome poetic universality. awesome meant refreshingly literally and nondigitally. The transdisciplinary wholistic dream is nightmare but partial morsels and excellence in one field is ok. Wandering fields, shifting tectons, geodyssean narratives.

This is a weird postcolonial position - sure I can say woe is me when I go to Chile and I'm the tourist or 

be in Australia and talk about cultural invisibility. We've all heard that if you lived here for long enough. Other diaspora Chileans here, who celebrate their own white skin as if they were golden immaculate social athletes. 

Chilean status anxiety (invoking pop star Alain de Boton) - worse than England. vaya tomar tesito con la Margaret Thatcher. I think its pathological and I'm not immune myself but I see it. My father rhapsodising about the military and masculine neurotic war stories of colony and conquista. The indigenuous freedom - which I think is world wide in indigeneity.

The mutual admiration of Anglo-Chileans - but our early colony took to the Sorbonne first. Wonder if any Mapuche went there in earlier centuries...

Most visiting Chileans are really nice and pleasant actually. I look at Chilean culture and think this feature of status anxiety - identity politics on snobbery is so baroque it's like a moebius strip that's resolved by cool signifiers of status. I went to this school, I know this man, I know this owner of something

or even you went to that school? - you suck. That's more like it and you can call it reverse snobbery and then the lumper can call the social biologist who used the term "reverse snobbery" an ambulance as they lay stabbed somewhere near Providencia...or at least that was the news report on TV.

That's a cultural ecology transpacifica. Me looking back there. And yeah I start with criticism but the next paso is joy.

I've been here since 1970...so keep cliches under hats...I am learning to love, more everyday. But my cultural senses are very keen to status jostling and jousting. 

I haven't talked about Mapuche, Mapuzdungun, Unumche, the Werken, the music traditional and current mapuche electronica...the poetry and cinema, hombre pajaro, Rapa Nui and the Fischer thesis of hieroglyphics...Patagonian cryptozoology and stellar kinematics...this is another story a totally different analysis. I even looked up the martial body training of the Mapuche.

This is an engine or a horse's heart from palaeon, underneath leaves, warrior exoticism...yeah I have no idea. I have words though but no theoretical angle at all. that's theory, because the politics is respectfully distant by distance and who am I kidding? I'm almost born here. it's an ecological closeness.

Who am I indigenous to? or of? Am I even indigenous? And then what wisdom can aboriginal nations bring when the snobbery is about percentage of purity in a reverse eugenics of exclusion? That's when I think - who cares? It matters somewhat but I work in the arts ...and I can only go back to Chiloe La Frontera down to Pta Arenas to sense that again. so money and some airplane is involved etc 

But hey, they put a shopping mall and some ecological disaster in the South! So much for the Neruda-esque Patagonian Revisitation...it's a fantasy, to my mind anyway.

tiki-tiki-ti will be muzaked out of existence.

It's so complex. My family there are fiscals of provinces but I would never think to talk about this at all. ever because of militarism as social code. I don't get the code socially...therefore I am totally an ingenue on the ab-original territory, for a republic who are embedded with por la razon o la fuerza...shit did even Unidad Popular romanticise patria?

And then my familial diaspora in Paris. Didn't they land great? And I got lumped with 70s Australia - even a Chilean adult in my childhood said - you are not for here, you are for Europe. I just remembered that then.

Nationalism is not me. anything right of that, politically, is not me either. Chilean politics is headache enough, you know, the reworked constitution! I don't pine for politicising Chile because I don't know enough and my familiarity with the country doesn't warrant the huge effort to get some grasp on it. I have issues enough with Aussie politics and cultural wars I've lived through.

But I'm political so here and over there, I am a Green now after my Debordian wilderness of years that still keep echoing . Some consilience for my bilateral cultural neurology. Some tension making me bright. A wilderness in a wild land perhaps - perhaps a double-wilderness.

I remember just two years ago being stuck in a deadend low level care mental health home. I chat with a dear friend one day, online - an Argentinian, a philosopher, a good one, not a pop star like on Facebook but like on Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. In my continental shelf fragmentation of the archipelago of my Kantian apperception, my molecular continental drift I said to him...like what about Pan-Patagonia?

Some Deleuzian text talks of Body Of The Earth - but which era? (that's a joke in some comical sense)

I never stun my philosopher friend - I stunned him then. I like to think to this day he can't get over this best of speculation. The history is speculative enough - the PreColumbian ...I got no idea...and the manuscripts of Mapuche writing and glyphs...there are ideas. Thank you. I look forward to featuring you, Cecilia on the Australian Latino Press as this writing above solidifies to an editorial. PostColumbus PanPatagonia - yeah dreamin' mate...not mate the drink...

And I think now...why geometry for earth...oblate spheroid...this is kinky...notions of territory 

territoire...I'm afraid even of Parisian conceptions of it. Caminemos sonriendo y mi mp3 headphones. In this way I prefer the Australian version - it's ownership, money and utility - and it's spurious on a public level.. Convict colonialism and convicted asylum seekers. It makes perfect linear historical sense....

the exile - not even the exile...the resident, will also have their heterotopia, the strange reality...when crossing the world...Raoul Ruiz seeing himself on a pavement on the other side of Parisian avenue...an artist I know looking in the mirror and only seeing her eyes...yeah it's not magic...it's politics, ars medicina or something but...

No mention of trutruka, kultrun and the songs, the ceremonies spied upon by my parents as young cheeky teenagers. The indignant of very recent times. 

Wonder if Juan Davila ever thought that... well what's the meaning of moral wilderness Juan? I hope I meet him before either of us depart inhabitance.


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