Rhetorical Grass Slaloming

By some undermath
the case emerges that misery
based by chaotic clocks
will reef rug
rule of rife
abscissa to algebraic abyss

known well that intellectual...
as charge in tide anti-intellectual
who owns the more
to be lobbed over

that bottomlessness
I know
where your base crumbles
and my ground pulse neon
quakes stuck in a mine pocket

I am easily an abdicator
of denominators
a fool's themselves
for a subterranean angel
of geology and fault

chiral hands
peeled austerity
with sex, with poetry
and citrus seizure

cow love is love
it's still love
what matters the
cattle dog
border collie

cows will low with foreboding
and the collie
nips at ankles
cow circles
and it's still love

empathy by mirrors
empathy by lateral hands

love in exactitude
love in vacant lots
and lots of areas
romantic fields, and
introduced rolling hills
as air softest phyla.

This straightened collapse
worn jumper familiarity
warm absolute frays.

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