Ten Keys to Creativity

1. Lock yourself out of home sometime.

2. Get so stoned as to forget your bankcard PIN.

3. Don't eat bread. It's starchy.

4. Have a lot of different experiences, mindless if they'll affect your learning capacity.

5. Be sour. There's always a counter or other possibilities to anything ever claimed. This will make you stand out.

6. Make sure that you misunderstand a few things. What you create from that may be erroneous but it will be one of a kind. Being wrong is not so bad in some art forms, in fact, it's to be expected, yet rarely admitted and so pop it's just redundant. Seriously.

7. The notion of the hater makes waves. Press and marketing know this. It may be negative but hate as diatribe is common and if you wish it was never ever there then you're hatin' on hate, to use the cache of American semi-literacy.

8. Be fearless about articulation. It's the elegance of the detail that alludes to solidity.

9. In the visual arts, take your cues from the fashion world...there's nothing much else unless you want to be arrested on sedition in our context of neoconservative self-oppression. In that case, be gangster as possible.

10. Have the wearwithall to be self critical. In the US do this privately, in Europe do it but don't admit it (this itself can turn into a creativity), in Australia do it publicly.

11. If you can't find creativity just do something stupid like putting an extra letter in your name. The stupider will buy it. Don't underestimate the scale of people in this demographic. Imagine...''hi I'm Siimmoon Reynolds''

11a. And if you know all this already, it's easy (and if you don't, I'm Yoda) and then you'll be rightfully suspicious of any attempt to formularise creativity, along the lines that some artists will focus on creativity in prepackaged ways because they've outlived art and have become something greater...consultants...experts.

These people are the immortality that have inspired this teetering crapularity.

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