
ye volcan,
must be heyeard
but must thee?
If thee be mon
then non
aye the mon have quiet pess
the waiyght of the fishe catche
an the lyght on the skinrough

Mowon, the feyre, fier, the fire
the light da bryns
ne had power before?

Pish, ye lie
and singe
she be queene thar exil
the knyght that rape,
yet scyllaehagness
ye ken.

Lyke mon,
ye want te rule,
this be lye as wel be tru

ye but ruwel want rule
kingse qvin abstruck
nor e no-man be,
yai err on inhoman, no-man abstruc

cowsmik sterene stars?
Neh, the sperkel in not yet
twinckel bring de spil of rock
and stoppe, pomenides
stillnayss for paess,

is paiss still? staisis of pais?
do border broder boarder broader
stey sayme?

Yet styl stey bye rocke
stia wheel of grind maeyk concret?
Stil, the fixe, fixed abstirictity ahh,
indisolut disolut, eyther ether
mai, tis doobel trowbell
ether eyther, monstrum of the faire,
carneval the flesh, monstrum omen,
monstrum messh, skylla ner jost
fyght end scrieam - omen drayme.

Druught drawt, scout, scotiae huther the shaess,
ressi lassie, tilleth glyn, tilleth til thee cum hoame
la! Brilaynte, glyn, gaz haes faz
scillae want stiller
stille the killa
omen self-fylled propheseye
yea too ryght, killa haec -
truesme! thar
in the mots and wyrds,
yea is true is kills
tho' speaker still
hearer chill

entropeye, so me hoirte too!
true of entropi ay moves
entroopey ney stil
o pomenide kills i sleyn,
ner ascense fron entropeye
true it is feted abiss, miss
eisperatione fleys, flies, the 'tropy
ayenot sayme ais thar 'baddon
seyfe it be, dayve in the swich wasser,
entropical cool warme
for from pond ye leave can,
yet mountain hygh uppe hygh downe
brrr...the hourses disleyk et
and the hourse to high es narrenshift
middel live, yai, ber touche
the chest, the rose, the brayst on donkey ha!

Ye cannae covere mountayne quicke
but the thais pond es spann'd in blis end
manye steyles, cool goode
feyr hot the hoode, the roode,
here, faeyre one,

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