Early 21st Century Must-Haves
From: I/Thou ext. close up.
Because I love you and life
as it so appears
we all shall join hands and wish so fervently
a cure to all ills
of our own poverties, of time, money or madness
Because I love you and loathe life
I will enter the progressive stream
the sweetest wishes and embraces
of an iron maiden snapped shut
acupuncture needles ever surrounding me
because you love me, and life
you will shower me with honey from
feed me alfalfa sprouts
and trick me with Stravinsky when we know
it was Wagner
and we will laugh.
Because I love you and life
as it so appears
we all shall join hands and wish so fervently
a cure to all ills
of our own poverties, of time, money or madness
Because I love you and loathe life
I will enter the progressive stream
the sweetest wishes and embraces
of an iron maiden snapped shut
acupuncture needles ever surrounding me
because you love me, and life
you will shower me with honey from
feed me alfalfa sprouts
and trick me with Stravinsky when we know
it was Wagner
and we will laugh.
because you loathe yourself, and life is a piece of shit
you will eat toast
and at times, indulge in shames of lard and flavoured corn chips
and you will grumble the funniest complaints
of observation
of hypocrites who as highschool boys
never wanked.
and because you loathe me and life is about tolerance
reasonability would say that by reasonability
and calm persistence, as dogs straining against the leads,
peace arrives in the still estuaries and parklands,
And because I loathe you and life is about responsibility
I, as your straw man in this phase, finally have a gutful,
peace arrives in the still estuaries and parklands,
And because I loathe you and life is about responsibility
I, as your straw man in this phase, finally have a gutful,
and backhands you to your humble semiogenesis.
In most European language there is a filthy slang for that.
Because we love ourselves and love life
we make nations
Because we loathe ourselves and love life
we have made the United Nations and make babies
Because we loathe ourselves and loathe life
we do what we want and sleep with sandwiches
we feed to others.
The best of us have crumbless beds and
carry sandwiches in their holsters.
In most European language there is a filthy slang for that.
Because we love ourselves and love life
we make nations
Because we loathe ourselves and love life
we have made the United Nations and make babies
Because we loathe ourselves and loathe life
we do what we want and sleep with sandwiches
we feed to others.
The best of us have crumbless beds and
carry sandwiches in their holsters.