Slept Psychology

Only when eyelids knock on each other
for the purposes of entry
do they close and shut you in.

Here is a pillow you can use
for a mattress
to take advantage

of rapid rapping on
black doors.
I'm trying to remember
the last time I remembered
penumbra of tunnelling
door frames.

Yes, that's apt and topological
like a sticky tape trapeze
bouncing back to wakefulness
please - blankets of
abstract black squares
with the trusted texture of wool

that preface homeliness
with snoring and saliva -
snuggling and snoring
swaddling. Tonight
before the eyelids knock
on each other
(the tangent is located below)
gaffer tape will see me
bound and bouncing free
on the adhesive trapeze.

Then somehow it's good morning
later in the shake of sleep
pillowcase as my sheet.

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