
"Becoming-imperceptible is a process of elimination whereby one divests oneself of all coded identity and engages in the abstract lines of a nonorganic life, the immanent, virtual lines of continuous variation that play through discursive regimes of signs and nondiscursive machinic assemblages alike." - Gilles Deleuze

Mainstreaming to the socialised cycles
a triquetra to chains and peptides

binding with the opaque streets
building code of brick fantasies

and the cocktail happy hours
where the immaculate get messy

wet sex for the boulevarde
and the high street

where it's rained for days.
The nocturnal interior of cars

gliding in inclemency
eyes open for the trip home.

Merging traffic for the unexpected
and the roadside lamps

tail you and string you along
a grasp of door handles.

An architectonic of food and drink
appliances and formica

the ants in the skirting
other unnoticed animals

in the walls and roof
clothes in the builtins

and the reliefs of short term
memory - the city drains

pipe it through to the outfalls
a medieval of plastics reach the waterways.

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