Magical Theorism

I've been exhausted, said the magical arealist

I will now only dress in white, always wear a Panama hat and live in post sexual Dominican paradise where I and the flying nun as Anais Nin discuss whitewash architectures of the world and our sensoria swirl together in frangipani engorged whirlpools by waterfalls in blows of nocturnal complex chordal jazz ecstasy as we apologise for loving America only as ee cummings loved America

The fractally repeating epigenetic fall from grace from some crime
model archetypally iterated through generations has some resolutions.

non pharmaceutical self initiated responses from the past involved

First - any Henry Miller to be told to put it away, happy that you're charged as a bull but your horrific exhibitionist scream ... wow

screw all animals on your isolated farm far from any locationating human sense, even any scent of such sense

or envelope oneself in functional CBD gnosis e urbanitii

or spike vilently autoerasure as venerated Hindu She Divinitii cosmicidal bends unificity till all allelic echoes of deva angel are obliterated nucleically

larp off grid arp spins we slim

bombarded blast

becometh mine purchased perfume of good man responsibility eradicated of ethnic spermatic stench even the beautiful Isabel Allende in televisual interviewed asides apologising to homely uneducated truths of cleanliness-godliness divine necessity so we can all have some normality, olfactorily anyway, mack!

and I still asky whyie?

My schizic crystal in culture is straight eighty ok as Sidney Viscious or Johnny Lydon industry interviews qua operation ueberlaud for ovine togetherness of talk show hip SPC anglicannery

only leanness fills hunger

and the dirt of churning trucks at inconspicuous city landfills remind of divinity because Killer Kali accepts men will kill

and my unlaundered suit will question why - with skeptic phantasmal clarity

and my best guesses which once fucked me go like

well a globalised synchronised realisation of Biblical purportions of heaven on earth piety of Duns Scotus and haec est ist

Governmentalised by UN aerial dominance and sortof defcon preparedness what exploded bliss - hiroshima mon amour now seems pretty pedestrianly understood

Scandinavie social democracie elected pioneered with legitimated undirected public masturbation (but never social - remember "no particular direction" we choir in Seinfeld savvy for vector)

Buddhist self realisation - either mantled in Western sermon or today's Thai denial of enlightenments

as infic individuated individualism still takes note of the world as Kingly thanks

whereby nongnoscientic Satia pursues sychronised heaven

or that quipping comedy of immanentizing the nonneognosiismic eschaton

Buddha allows for oikos and nomos and is ok with capital - sie sohne sez we're ok with it too

in some pineal scene some contract was rathausified

"ok I like the idea of a built home
and you say war is life
so in cosmicidal weddedness
I pronounce
war to be elderly cleric inevitables

and demand architecture"

and gnoso-genetics is internationale plane surface grade, in trotskyite lost hope in hydrofoil is the true halloed turf permanent revolt or stable Hegel dream

ouspenky lysenko intelligent 64 bit encryption realism (cf Lacanian Realism is realisms)

if you've read this far - can I say...

speak this now

your headache as earthquake pastes bakecakes lei reik itake

No take shit shii-take

largesse cleanesse closeto g-ness
gneiss-ess Perez bellshazzer down
hilton piltdown Flintstone Barbera town
no go rhyme zone rhinestone
Glen fife rhizome Castlecraic

chide Childe Harold Godwinsen
don't drop the baby at the christening ok?

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