
Showing posts from January, 2020

Flash Fiction: A Plea To All Writers No Matter The Discipline

Poem: Third Rate Charles Bukowski, which is appropriate

Short Form: Affect Hapaxes

Diary: learnings a la amuse bouche

Informal Theory: Metaludics

Informal Theory: Bothering. Bot|(Co-)Her(r)ing

Poem: (B)roadway (G)lebe by ARP

Microrant: On Australia Day: Abolish | Stop Complaining!

Microrant: I don't LARP

Informal Theory: Question Regarding Medical Affect

Informal Theory: Your shoegaze vs Me

Microrant: Affect Jigsawism

Informal Theory: Tapering and Forbidden Mercury

Informal Theory: Discursive vectors on imperfect understanding affect idea

Informal Theory: Dinosaur Sex and the Corporate Co-option of Creativity

Informal Theory: an autoethnography of subvocalisation