Pax Romana

The ab urb conditis
the roman wolf mock
that created our peace
bacigalupa calendar
auc for short
an Ethiope's
earring in that
they still conform
to the roman auc
calendric so Haile
Marley and the wailing
the shark-shot and
Abyssinia's crown
Though oil now runs
a plenty in Addis Ababa
and Hegel's
unafrica moment
is bared for all to see
the post-Abyssinian
paradigm - Julian Jaynes
weeping gold rings at
Mesopotamia, Peru and can non
Europeans actually think?
And the name of El Dorado
In Quechua Aymara aint
Earth as pachamama
The last word my father said was Peru
And now unthinking,
I don't get over it i go through it, recalls kichwaymara
for (un)thinking city of gold
the word is my finger
and our rule of thumb
and let Artificial General Intelligence
figure it out - it is or is it?

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