Covid19 Period schizoanalysis by Ariel Riveros

In reading political economist Paul Cockshott  and their criticism of the place of Hegel in Marxism (Joseph Dietzgner coining Dialectical Materialisn) they also made a recommendation of process algebra and Markov cybernetics to make heads or tails of world systems. It's Markov's world I've said as their famed chain theory and related Monte Carlo thesis are generatives of pre emptive text and so machine learning. Alan Turing not to be forgotten. Stephen Wolfram current hypergraph project working to what I think is Grand Unification to watch out for.

Though that's all systems, Markov chains affect me in the pharma treatment I receive. At some microlevel my brain processes are deemed chaos and must be made form. I'm still disaffiliative to pharmaceutical medical model for sidereal reasons which are worst than the chaos. The tumult here is that part of my expression is dissociatively framed song. That is embedded in the tone here but is only a part that emerges in phases. My second voice. Underlayment. humword synced to typing. We're getting systemic here.

The phase though. Over the past year my Community Treatment Order, recently decided to extend to fourth round, the condition that is symptomatolgy is clinical disorganisation. Semantically that's not disorderly.

Over the years I've been "psychoeducated" by State to register my prodromal states. My hospitalisations are seriously placid and even bored out of my mind! As well, frontline medicos have said over the years "you're good after three days but our policies here will mean you're here for a month."

Prodromal or precipitative states (Old World equine surface war imperialism, the aqueous flooding and tempestology analogy) are a networked causation and with some complexity of order of sign and their collapse into smooth space but of referential asymmetry.

Now these concepts I add to and they're semiotically influenced. To the senses - the disorganised straw that breaks the camel's back is losing my keys. Being on welfare means locksmiths fees are daunting. That has resolved itself in my daily gallivanting and thinking of hyperfinite theory. The hyperfinite graph is a development on set theory. Just right for keys.

Memory, Markov device world, antimemory. I now keep vigilant for my own order. Where do I blank out on sensory processing and memory. Pills. I don't use Webster packs and my pharma blood levels are on point. A self-serving pauper economy. But I take a pill and go "was that right pill? Shape was fine but check" and the nearest silver sleeve of pill says yes.

The silvery mirage of indiscernible distance but within a short time metric is disorganisation prodromal. The irony is oversymmetrical. It's sensory phasing instance interstitially between referent and memory. I could easily just take pastilles and gummy bears. Just saying. And only in bare functional sense.

PBMT which I've looked at and now am pursuing with NDIS will be by likelihood noticably transformative. That pills might be cut back is possible. So what are the concepts and chaos in this hopeful upcoming process? It is light laser led based. No electro magnetics. No targetted deep neuronal work.

One thing I hold as yardstick is my time based synaesthesia. The sensory phenomenological capture of my premedicated state and the experience of that capture is like a bifurcatory fractal. Infinite precursors and my projection of the organisation, thanks to the synaesthetic yardstick, are just portals and continua, at the moment.

Brilliant ideas but can appear better - everyone on Guattari. 

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