Notes on White Genocide - by ARP et al

"White people cling to the notion of racial innocence, a form of weaponized denial that positions black people as the “havers” of race and the guardians of racial knowledge. Whiteness, on the other hand, scans as invisible, default, a form of racelessness. “Color blindness,” the argument that race shouldn’t matter, prevents us from grappling with how it does." - Robin DiAngelo

That whole narrative only works if you start with the premise that dark skin is a mutation which protects people from high UV. Of course, it happened the other way around - white pigmentation is the mutant who lost melanin to better absorb UV to get that Vit D as hominids moved north. With white Queenslanders and South Africans having the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, you'd think their ersatz Darwinism would kick in, and they'd seek out better genes. But no, unfortunately their beliefs in fitness are performative and symbolic only. Therefore, they are correct. But the genocide is coming from inside the house.*

As well the birth rates of various ethnic and religious groups and the declining birthrate of white people. Therefore classical left program of anti racism, feminism are refuted. The follow up is a championing of masculinity and free market values. Classical anticapitalisms are targeted too. Lots of social vectors happen aka can of worms aka business as usual aka snafu aka capitalist realism

It's a blaze of glory because it's now about 8 or 7 years til white genocide occurs according to their stats.

the question of motive and the whole field of network agents borrow from Anton Wilson's Illuminati speculative conspiracy that is supremely orchestrated and the suspects are usual. Finding antisemitism, Islamophobia, misogyny, internalised misogyny and allowing breathing space for any other form bigotry based on fallacious race realism - this is the field. Alongside the deep-game style interpretations of the now infamous online rabbit holes the deep game narrative borrows from Biblical, apocryphal texts (incl. Jubilees) and gnosticism the deep and tenuous Christic genealogies evoke further supplementary hyperbole. Gnostic archons and annunaki, all evoking ancient alien civilisations. Nephilim giant humans. And intergalactic alien civilisation visitant categories such as reptoids and greys. For me this is a Christian Science. Though I'd imagine whether the movement avows these ideologies. Ideologies that are as well instrumentalized back on a population by notorious rogue philosophers who play that they're devotees but are gaming politics. This position of act is hyperstition. Smart enough to know you're dealing with superstition but hyping it up. This does suggest a strong epistemological grounding that conspiratorialism and white genocide theory don't have.

We know well that a few conspiracy theories are found out to be true. Most don't. and the issue too is the unsustainable manner outcomes are arrived at - notes on white genocide (*someone else's words)

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