This is a poeme

I- Non-strict usage: => (∃β) [¬(∃α) (α∈β)] + […?] /Stenography



II- Strict usage: (τ23¬¬¬∈τ1¬¬∈) /Abbreviation

This is a poem.

heteroclitic appropriation of maths
as pedagogic
even when strict usage

the heteroclitic appropriation of knot theory
uses mathematics

as mathematic objects, representation,
I note that it's not really mimicking

it's appropriated and reframed to a semiotic use
it would be therefore unfair to say maths is
nigh being used numerologically

cos we have eyes
skin is tan
usage as sine.

It's edgy like excel spreadsheets
when you use numerical values as text.

universal psyche

the purpose is not the describe psychosis
but to change it.

The poem is written with someone in mind.

that someone can be an amalgamation of anyone.

so the buoyancy of a dirty joke.

Is why I like people, why I am an artist.
and to be different - I take full juices
mark milestones will display taste
not bother about cats
except ones outside of this text

and that are at my girlfriend's place

he's a ginger - and now you know!

there will always be a thread to literality

that's what maths as lego pieces are there for.
lego because warmth

the square root of minus one is the basis
of the most internet traffic - pornography

if you relate to a symptom
don't be code pendant
or co dependant
even true
hypochondria becomes the man
fashion tragic

Celine Dione was falling into you
you was SARS

poets who love language too much

fashion pathologies

fashion police, arrest that man
but no photos

heavy metal is basally honest
it was injected even
I love Anthrax
hearing about it makes me laugh

I wish I could relate to anthrax
as worldview
personal sphere
or describe it as
the sonder of days
I've related to

Days of my life I've loved

Central Park soul
as mytheme

my theme park soul

and carnivals freak my friend out
at least she can laugh

or she just wants the hug

her skin is criminal with intent.

But she's not going to hug the
wolfboy midget just because
the big cartoon costumed character
is not around...but hope he's around soon.

There's a group of people in this poem
joked fucked revulsed disbelieving burped at

I never believed to start off with
never needed the voyage about
what belief looks like

I am not trying to convert between denominations
Just want money for being
like Switzerland might give you, you, soon.

Wouldn't that be nice? - might be said

Maybe, but if you just see it as another policy
passed through a bicameral parliament
it's pieces of paper freeing pieces of paper

so we can all complain and get drunk about
getting paid
but not actually working.

Zero-world problems!

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