Autofragments 2011-2013

The gatherer's intent to capture the rapture let's the artful dodgers run to death to fall in st matthews cave - heart is the head. the crown is flippant sexual rain - Laughing heart rain

ghost king, horse king for a price, a chocolate crown for body meteorological


Laughter like war and dresden fire storm


mujer de nieve ardiente, siguiendo simbiosis bajos las armas traidoras,

aqui te quemo oso pandas y todos los diamentes enteros en este inhabitancia de duenyos fragiles de la verguenza


i saw the finest minds and bodies of my generation treat themselves as thermal laboratories looking for cirque de soleil sur le paves.


climate molecular poetics 19th c style 

"I sing the body meteorlogical - atmospheric, dehabituated, fluid, sporing, boxing bags and fancy skip work rheological"

and underneath the red herrings is the frying plane. bang bang.

- it even scares me.


the mermaid appears when sailor drowns. The ghostship is flipping the bird to all nets

the red herring is the world yet underneath is the fire that is frying it.


Pataphors - misrecognition lies in all ditches, untruths and songs. When someone fears that I'm a horse-rustler, they got ponies.


Christ, moneyguy - buy her a washing machine! invest in the best wishing machine, cash cows, athlete-goats, subversal infamies and territorial swine-satieties to love the doll voodou stuffed xxx

Happy holidays


don't push The Man at me - chicken in constant returning mode.


unlikely cover versions

Dame Vera Lynne's "We'll Meet Again" by 50 cent
Frank Sinatra's "My Way" by Pink!
"I cover the waterfront" by Stephen Hawking's voice box


the hive bristles with coarse-hair'd dynamite without the kodiak's muzzle


The best red herring is a blue marlin. catch this tatoo on fantasy island at the ...... art space christmas eve showcasing a dadaist presentation called Luxemburg Nights

the time is contingent on the majority's availability.

check the index of the wider oxbridge for typos, icey nostalgia and no turning backs on the decreasing cold front.


the semaphore for the season are two, blah or up yours


and like health cover - the older you get, the higher you're slugged.


If I spend New Year's Eve with any of you English and you indulge in the vulgar and common disparaging of the gregorian year past of old father time - i'm going to have to smack your lips with mine.

i'll keep to water and i hope you really don't hit the floor and gaze at the tiles as the minutes float by Chopin's fingers.

Deconstruction is reverse-engineering for architects...


T = a + blog₂ (1 + D/W)


where i live now- a suburb that's a paradise of sorts of wildlife and relaxed lifestyle. where a victory is just someone else's loss away, derived from struggle for status.

i momentarily miss the happy yet dangerous community of the brothel-motel-dumpster i used to live in out west.....time for coffee.


A good heart is more like the bagpipes than a violin.

It looks like an octopus, sounds terrible but always at the frontier with music to rouse the fighting and weary.


An Ezra Pound couplet:

The archipelago was minute, cartographically.
it rushed and jagged at Point Immediacy.


I love opinions that know their the only ones. The extension that the world agrees with them is a quirky thing, though.


the change from difference to contradiction is too easy for som


Overheard in an art gallery: 

A: That is the what-is-not of what doesn't exist
B: No it isn't


"Sure, there was Edward the Confessor, Richard the Third, Erik the Red but there was never a monarch named - the Psychic."


the body of the earth then must dance across faultlines, rip soil, Boethius skirt, go easy the breadth, it's Loki and Pan they're at it again.

The train's migration before even the brink of the blink of the sinkhole swing and the rats in the swim say Waltz in 16. Coiley count with angels and st nikola when seismic chorus blends...


In lieu of political analysis I offer poetical analysis and it's the patter of silver clouds in New Zealand


''Never order fish and chips if the other person is having rack of lamb and it's their treat.''


wouldn't it be sweet

just for one time

to be sure you
caused a weather phenomenon?

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