The Information

A calculator of cans and string
Looped on a roll of paper
Frozen in ink
A surface mechanism
Whose depth paperwise

is 6
or 16 sheets behind
or 22 or 4
or 2 pages ahead

She is a piece of paper
whose soul paperwise
is a soft archaeology
of mathematics
and elsewise decisions
the exasperation of a whispering moon
that she can see but you cannot

her words are a monstrous fabric
prior to the convincing of gardens to mineral
prior to the diggings she refuses
to anticipate Troy
patient and demanding presence staunch to tiring returns

of metaphysical hunters who only boast experience
and haven’t brought home bacon as information
gold as information, money as light reading,
retelling is all he brought, relating to
presence but never the transaction

she couldn’t care less about because obviously
she wasn’t there for the moon’s past capture
or the inevitable future of the moon’s explosion
into half coins of somesuch luminal code breaking.

The ability to destroy is the ability to protect
however scared you are
and however fearless anyone else appears
the information stays
through all shakes and magnet quakes
through burns and brands

through battles and plans
for other occurrences
dance - for nothing else will happen
as her frustration hopes for surprises
that arrive usually wrapped in paper.

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